
What is the eligibility criteria for membership?

Membership of the NWRDSC is open to traditional and non-traditional Defence & Security businesses, Higher Education Institutions and Research and Technology Organisations. Membership is for organisations rather than individuals.

The Cluster’s geographical boundaries cover the 5 counties in the North West:

  • Cheshire
  • Cumbria
  • Greater Manchester
  • Lancashire
  • Merseyside

What types of membership are available?

Full Membership

Any industry organisation or academic body which operates within the NWRDSC’s geographical area and offers products, services, R&D and technology solutions that can be applied in a Defence & Security domain.

Strategic Partner

As a sub-set of full membership, organisations such as Government agencies, Trade Bodies and Funding Bodies that can support and add value to the Cluster, are referred to as Strategic Partners.

Associate Membership

Organisations which operate outside of the North West region but still within the UK, that can help the Cluster address specific gaps in capability, are referred to as Associate Members.

How much does membership cost?

Initially, membership of the NWRDSC will be free. However, this membership model will be reviewed as the cluster develops.

For more information, please see our Membership Details page.

NWRDSC membership application form

Please complete and submit the form below to request membership to the North West Regional Defence & Security Cluster. Our team will then review your application to check whether your organisation fits within the NWRDSC Eligibility Criteria as set out above. There are three different types of membership – Full Membership, Strategic Partner and Associate Membership – and our team will designate the appropriate one based on the information you provide. We will contact you directly to inform you of the outcome of your application.

Membership Benefits

  • Information and knowledge of the UK Defence landscape, including funding opportunities
  • Collaboration between MOD, Primes, SMEs, Academia and Local Government
  • Technology development programmes that provide increased innovation funding in the region
  • Focus areas to grow the skills and capability across the region
  • Promoting the North West and capabilities to MOD and networking with other regions

NWRDSC Members

Prime Defence Companies




Local and Combined Authorities

Academic Institutions and Research Centres

Supply Chain and Industry Representatives