Supporting innovation and technology in the region.

Our Aim for the North West Regional Defence and Security Cluster is to be recognised as the leading Defence and Security region in the UK by supporting individual clusters and trade bodies that are uniquely coincident in the North West to exploit opportunities collaboratively, in pursuit of improved prosperity for all of our communities.

Our Mission is to enable Defence and Security innovation to be tested, partnerships to be made and growth at scale to be realised through the cutting-edge R&D capabilities, significant manufacture, assembly and test infrastructures and collaborative approaches available in the North West.

Our objectives are to:

  • Enable collaboration between industry, academia, government and other bodies, across the whole geographical region’s activity in all domains of Defence and Security

  • Facilitate the sharing of information and opportunities between government and individual organisations, including trade bodies, and the cross-fertilisation with non-traditional D&S business
  • Represent and actively promote the regional interests and capability, influencing regional and national policy and investment to the support of our aim
  • Establish routes for the increased commercialisation of innovation and R&D in the region
  • Ensure the investment and activity across the sector contributes to the social value model of supporting inclusivity and wellbeing of the diverse communities within the region

  • Support the development of a talent pipeline across the region, facilitating and enabling growth and job opportunities


Governance is provided by a Steering Board formed from representatives from Local and Combined Authorities, Academic and Research Centres and Industry.